Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Prince Adam: The Beast

Beauty and the Beast(the Disney version, at least) is about a bratty self-centered prince who is met by an old, ugly beggar. When he turns her away because of her looks, she reveals herself to be a beautiful enchantress, who promptly punishes him by turning him into a beast, and damning him to die on his 21st birthday should he not prove that not only can he show love to another, but that they can show love in return.

So he meets some lady and they kiss and he's human. Yay! He's only human on screen for like 50 seconds, though. I do know he's got a weird aloof expression in his eyes at all times for some reason, and his arms/muscles are ENORMOUS. Despite that, I think I got his likeness pretty good, considering the limitations of CAS, even with slider mods.

He was made with Awesomemod's slider multiplier, set to 4, as well as Jonha's Body Sliders to tweak his body a bit and keep him buff.

His outfit is Gentleman First from The Sims 3 Store, though I'm sure you can find it elsewhere/find alternatives. Hair is the converted Jeanette mesh, by Ambular found at MATY.

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